Thursday, August 18, 2005

Ugh, I can't even write this entry without getting all grossed out - but I will.

We. have.... mice.

That's right, mice. Now, some of you might know my plight with another furry friend a few months ago. Quick recap: I got up one morning, walked to the fridge to get some water - when a little ball of fur scampered across the kitchen and under the fridge. We set some traps. Caught the mouse. Filled the hole behind the fridge where it must have come in. Thought it was just a one time thing.

But no. No no no.

I wondered what I was hearing during the night when Maya was here and why she kept getting up and sniffing the closet and our desk. Now I know.

Now, I'm fully aware that I live in New York City - and that mice come with the territory. I should be happy its just mice and not their larger cousin. I know that. But, when they invade your apartment - you're cute little apartment that you pride yourself on being a cozy clean home - I feel violated. "Not myyy apartment" I want to say to all those people who tell me its just a matter of time.

Well, that time has come. I haven't actually seen the mouse (or mice) yet. But they've left plenty of evidence. Besides the trails of poop that we found in the closet (gross!!) and behind the desk and in the kitchen--- these little shits are LOUD! And I mean loud. Last night I was in a dead sleep when their scurrying woke me up. My first reaction was to shake Pablo - so he in turn jumped out of bed and ran to turn the lights on. But of course, by then, it was too late. The mouse had outsmarted us, and was already back in the walls somewhere. He woke us up an hour later - this time sounding like he was doing an obstacle course in our kitchen. I can imagine him, zigzagging through the pans in the broiler --- it makes me shudder.

This morning we inspected the entire apartment, and, lo and behold, there were little droppings everywhere. At first glance, they don't look like poop - more like little specks of dirt --- don't let their innocent disguise fool you. It's shit. No way around that.

I don't like the idea of sharing my apartment with a rodent. I have nothing against them, they're kind of cute - but they need to find their own home. I'm hoping that now that Maya's gone (and her food is gone as well) - they'll realize they'res nothing in our apartment for them, and they should go back to the neighbors house.

Until then, all I can think about is a little mouse getting too comfy in my clogs.


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