Saturday, August 13, 2005

Tonight I'm going to dinner with Laura and her parents, along with some of the girls from the wonderful Fresh Air Fund. I'm really looking forward to it. It's sad though, that this is one of the last times we'll all be together - this summer has been amazing. As much as I've bitched about going to work or spent my days there surfing the net or blogging when I should have been pitching stories or following up on emails (which all did get done, I'm not a slacker or anything - just distracted at times) --- I'm really going to miss that place and what it's meant to me. For one, it's been my first full time job - five days a week, eight hours a day -- I've gotton to experience, for the first time, what it really means to be an adult. As trite or oversimplified as it may sound - it's been eye-opening for me.

I think what surprised me most was how much I actually enjoyed the routine. I always prided myself on being that girl who hates routine - who loves being spontaneous and can't stand doing the same thing all the time. But, I have to admit, it was not only a comfort but a source of pleasure to know what my weeks would look like - to have a "to do" list for the day, to go to lunch from 1-2 on the roof with the girls - to stop off for coconut iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts in the afternoon, weekly PR meetings--- all the things that the past three months have been filled with.

I also liked the feeling of doing something that actually mattered. Not only was I working for a non-profit that helped children, children that I got to meet and hug and laugh with - but I had a job that, if I wasn't there, wouldn't get done. It's a nice feeling to know that you're needed. I know that anyone could do my job - its not like I felt I was irreplaceable - but more the feeling that I had a personal responsibility to my position. If I didn't pitch stories or follow up or get press releases out - less press about the organization would get printed and we'd have less support.

But, the summer is winding down to an end, and I'm leaving the job that's helped mold me into a responsible adult. I didn't do everything perfectly - but I think I did a good job.

Now its on to bigger and better things - other places, other jobs. I'll always take a part of this one with me. Not only the skills it taught me - but the memories of the office -- Iliza singing, Jill screaming, Lauren whining, and Laura looking like she's going to puke--- thanks girls. You made my summer.


At 4:03 PM, Blogger iliza said...

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At 4:05 PM, Blogger iliza said...

Laaaurrreeennn--You rock my world.


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