Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Separation Anxiety, part 2

So, today is the last day we have with Maya. Pablo's parents get back from Mexico tonight and Maya is going home. I have to say, the past week and a half have been a great learning experience for the both of us. I personally have never had a dog, so learning how to walk her, pick up poop, when to feed her, etc was enough in and of itself - but the overarching theme of the week was responsibility. I've never in my whole life been responsible for the health and well being of another living thing - other than the random fish or hermit crabs I had as a child, which my parents would take care of. But having Maya in the apartment this week made me realize what true responsibility is.

Throughout the time she's been with us, various people have joked and said that we sounded like new parents - at first scared to leave her alone, overly aware of her every move, not knowing how to take care of her best. I guess on some level we were - and have learned the joy that is taking care of something and getting its appreciation. Obviously, having children of one's own and having a dog are two very different things - but on some level they do share similarities. What I realized was that being responsible for someone can be very rewarding - it's something that, when you're ready for and truly desire it - brings such feelings of joy. But, I can also imagine the resentment and disdain I would feel if I were forced to be responsible for the well being of someone else if I wasn't ready or able.

We all know I'm pro-choice. We all know that I advocate "every child a wanted child" - but it wasn't until this week that I really understood why - personally. I can't imagine taking care of a dog if I don't have the time, energy or resources -- how on earth would I take care of a child? And, while I know this is a very very generalized argument that doesn't fully translate - I also know that, on some level, it resonates within me - and I understand.

I firmly believe that, at the heart of it all, it all comes down to responsibility - though not necessarily accountability. Until a woman chooses to have a child - and actually does - she is responsible for her own body first and foremost. If and when she chooses to have a child, and when she does - then she becomes responsible for the life and well being of that child - but not before.


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