School starts in less than a month. I can't believe that my last semester of college is so quickly approaching. Now, I don't want to turn this post into a sappy nostalgic mess - but I would like to think for a while about what the past three years have meant to me. Let's start with some lists.
Things I learned how to do.
1. Take the New York subway
2. Pretend like I know where I'm going when it's late at night.
3. Bullshit my way through a class when needed.
4. Throw myself into classes when I wanted to.
5. Following through with what I start.
6. Play beer pong.
7. Open a bottle of wine.
8. Look non-chalant when showing a fake ID
9. Formulate arguments that actually have substance.
10. Say what I really feel.
11. African tribal dances.
12. Avoid a hangover.
13. Get through a hangover.
14. Master the art of being on instant messenger while writing a term paper
15. Appreciate New York.
16. Appreciate home.
Top Ten Memories
10. Cooking dinner with Sarah in our apartment sophomore year.
9. Picking up gay men with David in Brooklyn when we were freshmen
8. Hearing the first full length play I've ever written read out loud.
7. Drinking homemade liquor in the pool with my MLK family in Brazil
6. Dave Osbourne's 21st birthday in St. Thomas
5. Watching the Clay Aiken video recording with Mel freshmen year so many times we broke the tape.
4. Finally kissing Pablo after 6 months of tension.
3. Skinnydipping with Jill and Mike off the beach in Puerto Rico
2. Spending the first night in the new apartment with Pablo
1.5. Playing in the snow in Washington Square park.
1. Valentine's Day 2004.
1. Not studying abroad
2. Taking Pablo for granted
3. Having a boyfriend freshman year
4. Not going out enough.
5. Not being a good enough friend.
I could muse on my years at NYU all day I think - but that's not really the point. The point is that i have one more semester here - September to December - my last semester of college. What am I going to do with it? When I look back at my college days, how does the story end? I hope it ends with me getting accepted early decision to Columbia Law School - having a phenomenal thesis reading and tying up loose ends with all my friends. But, it also could end with no answers, just more questions. And I guess that would be okay too.
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