Friday, August 05, 2005

okay, okay, I know I shouldn't be reading conservative sites- its only going to infuriate me more - but sometimes I can't help being a little masochistic. And I like to know my enemy. I couldn't pass up posting this from Focus on the Family's website. James Dobson on differences between the grown sexes.

With 10 to 20 times more testosterone, men are more likely to strive for power, status, fame and wealth.

All 43 presidents of the United States have been men.

Nearly 90 percent of today’s U.S. senators are men.

More than 98 percent of the chief executive officers of Fortune 500 corporations are men.

Feminists like to cite such statistics and claim that patriarchy and discrimination prevail in our culture. “The more likely explanation, however, is biochemical and anatomical,” says Dr. James Dobson.

Do statistics like these suggest that men are superior to women? No! The sexes are simply different. The differences should never be used as an excuse for demeaning females. Instead, we need to teach boys to be respectful to women and girls, to never hit or take something from girls, to be self-disciplined and willing to share, to be honest and caring.

Let's teach our boys that, those poor women can't help it that they weren't wired with the abilities they were lucky enough to have - so make sure you're always really nice to the girls. And, some of them might try to say they're just as smart as you - but its just because they're jealous.


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