Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I've been working on various other personal statements today - mostly to take a break from studying for the LSAT - its killing me. I miss writing. I'll post a couple of other ones tomorrow. Pablo read the one below and pointed out that i didn't make the connection between accepting my identity and my motivation toward activism. I should talk more about a specific experience in scholars, I suppose. I mean, the whole idea of the "personal statement" is rather self serving. What I don't want to write (and what law schools don't want to see is) "Why I want to become a lawyer" or "This is how I want to change the world" or "What I did during my time abroad" --- I want to write something provocative, something that pushes my boundries - but, what really does that? Ugh. Maybe I should stick to the LSAT. I take another diagnostic this Saturday. Hopefully I'll get my 170 and relax.


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