Monday, August 01, 2005

So, now we see where his loyalty lies... Pataki has decided to veto a bill that will hithis desk this Saturday - a bill that has the potential to change this lives of women in NY and give them access to Emergency Contraception without a prescrition. Pataki’s decision is worse than a slap in the face – and we should all be shaking our heads. We were duped. We supported Pataki for his seemingly progressive views on reproductive freedom – and applauded him for breaking with the party line. But we spoke too soon. Apparently the politics of contemplating a run for president are more important than the health of women of New York State.

Besides, Pataki has always been pro-choice. What makes him think the religious right is going to accept him now? I shudder at the thought of writing it – but maybe Pataki could stand to learn a thing or two about conviction from Bill Frist.

As for the desire to “protect minors” – how is restricting access to emergency contraception “protection”? Do we want our young women to experience unplanned pregnancy? If that’s the case, then I think we’re on the right track…


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